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Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz is another film which has similar themes and ideas to our own story. The character Dorothy enters a world that she has never come across before, like a fantasy world, tieing in with our idea of a genie. Within the film her character has to meet new people, i.e. the scarecrow, the tin man, the lion etc... and she has to get her mind round specific things as she finds them hard to believe because she's from a completely different world, similar to Luke having to accept the fact that he has come in contact with a genie. Therefore from the Wizard of Oz we can look at how Dorothy acts when told 'bizzare' things by the characters, such as the fact that the scarecrow doesn't have a brain, and how she comes to believe it. Since the film falls into a fantasy genre aswell it realtes to our film almost perfectly so we can easily take these aspects and make them work successfully in our story.

The film also involves Dorothy becoming good friends with the people she meets and developing firm relationships with these characters, another similar idea to our story where Luke and the genie become good friends and become extremely close. By looking at this film we can take notes of how their relationships evolve and perhaps use these ideas within our own story to show the development between Luke and the Genie.

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