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Thursday 24 September 2009

Homework - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2009

When researching for ideas on short films the website Screenonline appeared to display some useful tips for writing short films.
The link above is to a document by Phil Parker where he discusses particular questions that need to be answered when writing a short story, to ensure it's a good one.

- Who is the protagonist?
- What is the active question, which is the basis of the action in film?
- Who or what opposes the protagonist?
- From whose point of view is the audience being shown the story?
- What is it about? or, What is the theme?
- What is the style of the film?

Therefore by taking this into consideration we can review our own film and see if we can answer these questions effectively, displaying to us whether our story is missing necessary things or if it is effective enough.

Can our story answer these questions?
Who is the protagonist? - Within our story it is quite clear that Luke is the protagonist of the story seeing as it follows him throughout the film. The story is based on Luke's attraction to Olivia and then later his developed feelings for the genie, therefore Luke's desires are at the heart of the story revealing that he is the lead character within it.

What is the active question, which is the basis of the action in film? - The basis of the action in the film is Luke's desire for Olivia and the action revolves around getting him ready to confront his 'crush'.

Who or what opposes the protagonist? - There is nothing exactly 'opposing' Luke apart from the fact that he and Olivia are from completely different "worlds". She is from a higher repuation and popularity whereas he spends most of his time alone and is 'invisible' to her.

From whose point of view is the audience being shown the story? - The story isn't shown through one person's perspective, rather an outsiders one. However there are certain scenes that show specific views from particular character (for example, when Genie realises she likes Luke and tries to drop hints that he shouldn't go to Olivia the story is slightly leaning towards showing the story from Genie's point of view as the camera will focus on her and her disappointment). Other than small scenes like this the story is told from a general point of view.

What is it about? or, What is the theme? - It's about a boy who confides in a genie and requires her help in order to attract another girl, however by the end of it all he realises his true feelings lie with the genie herself.

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