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Monday 28 September 2009

Vision Board 2

After hearing the feedback from the first vision board we went back and recreated it, taking cinematography into consideration this time. For our second board we used more high key lighting images as we picture our film to be quite bright and colourful to fit the idea of a genie as this is fantasy and magic based and it's better that it's bright lighting as opposed to dark and gloomy because it wouldn't suit our film. It's also quite a happy film, with a happy ending and a 'happy' storyline - love. We also stuck to colours such as yellow, pink, blue as these are attractive and also reflect our story - being quite fairytale like colours, suiting the genie idea. We used a shot of a couple in a park - being a representation of the scenes where Genie and Luke are spending time together, having jokes and 'getting to know each other'. The image works well to present this because it's a good shot showing a girl and a boy with a bit of "chemistry" and is similar to what we pictured for our own film.

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