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Wednesday 23 September 2009

Regina George

Our character Olivia is the girl that Luke likes in his school, the popular girls that most boys like. However we don't want her to come across as a nice person or a genuine character, and Regina George from Mean Girls is a suitable person to gather ideas from for our own character. Olivia will treat Luke badly and be rude and inconsiderate of his feelings so we need to show characteristics which will explain why she acts this way. Therefore we need to research into characters like this and notice how they act, speak, react with other characters - particularly people 'below' their "status". The way Regina speaks is quite stuck up and it appears she thinks she is better than everyone else, and that everyone else should 'fall at her feet'. This would be a quality that we need to consider with our character Olivia as this is how she would also speak and behave because they're quite similar characters, her costume could also be inspired by the way Regina dresses as it reflects their want for attention and desire to be constantly noticed.

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