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Friday 18 September 2009

Gold Mood Board

- Gold typically represents wealth and riches being the colour of expensive jewellery and a royal colour

- Dubai is famously known for it's quality gold and a country related to the colour

- Marriage is another typical connotation of gold, also representing the 50th wedding anniversary, weddings rings are also usually gold...

- Celebrities are generally connected to the colour gold through the idea of wealth and stardom, the 'Walk of Fame' consisting of gold stars with celebrity names on them, glamour and fashion can also be related to gold

- Eygpt is strongly linked to gold as it was a very royal colour relating to pharaohs etc... and many of them were buried in sarcophagus' made of gold...

- Ferror Roche, gold trainers and gold watch suggest luxury and wealth also represented by the colour gold usually, the chocolates are considered 'posh' chocolates shown in advertisements as very luxurious and rich surrounded by people of high class.

- Gold is also a representation of science, being one of the elements in the periodic table

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