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Saturday 26 September 2009

Vision board 1

When asked to create a 'vision board' we assumed it meant a collage of images relating to our film. For instance, the main characters interests, ideas for costume, words reflecting the story... but it wasn't until after we had created it that we recieved feedback saying that it's not supposed to be showing those things. The vision board is meant to be us imagining what our film will look like, relating to cinematography, i.e. lighting, camera etc... and the vision board was meant to be a representation of this.
So this is our first attempt, where we added specific images to reflect certain parts of our film. The top right is an area with pictures to do with video games and tv to show Luke's interests and hobbies, we then had a section with genie costumes, along with words such as 'makeover,' 'that girl,' 'changed my life' etc... to display some of the things that happen within the film

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