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Tuesday 22 September 2009

LUKE - Character Profile

- Quite lonely and withdrawn

- Spends a lot of time playing video games and watching fantasy films...he easily believes in things [i.e. the genie]

- Never had a girlfriend

- Goes to Barking Abbey school, in year 11 - 16 years old. Moved there recently and hasn't got to know anyone, keeps himself to himself.

- Nice person but he hasn't come out of his shell yet, gullable, shy, unconfident however he's quite laid back with people he gets on with, friendly when he's not being shy,

- Brought up by a single mum - they have a good relationship, his dad left when he was three (he never really had a father figure and was always affected by his fathers absence, feeling unwanted - reason for him being alone alot).

- Not religious

- When he's at home he spends majority of his time in his room either watching tv or playing video games.

- Dream : to make something of himself and maybe one day show his dad what he become.

- Weakness - short tempered, been in fights in other schools because he lost his temper with bullies - bullied before as he's seen as a 'loser'.

- Dislikes : bullies, teachers, school, people speaking about his dad, things going wrong,

- Likes: computer games, darts, football,

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