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Wednesday 23 September 2009

A Cinderella Story

Within this scene from A Cinderella Story we see Sam's character show the fact that she is drawn to Austin, and we see this through a slow motion shot of him walking which makes him look very important and desirable in Sam's eye. In the same way we want to show Luke having this same admiration for Olivia and we also have the idea of using a slow motion shot to show his distraction for her while he's talking to a teacher. By watching Cinderella Story we can see this type of shot used effectively and take ideas for how to make the shot work for us in the same way.

Sam's character is also similar to Luke's in the sense that she isn't very popular and generally keeps herself to herself except for her one and only friend. The comments that the boys and girls make towards her could inspire us as to how we can show Luke with these same problems and issues that he has to face. Sam is used to the abuse and comments which can be seen in the clip as she simply shrugs it off and doesn't really take it to heart, suggesting it's a regular thing, very similar to Luke's own life. We can take notice of how Sam simply ignores the bullying and perhaps include these techniques in our film to show the same thing.

The clip also begins to show a relationship between Sam and the person she is texting, they seem to be getting to know each other and we can perhaps use certain facial expressions and actions when showing the developing relationship between Luke and the Genie.

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