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Thursday 15 October 2009

Thursday 15th October 2009 - 2nd day of shooting!

Well, i thought yesterday was stressful, today was an even more tense and tiring day for me.
There was an issue that took place which resulted with my two crew members having to leave the shoot for the day and i was left with sound, continuity, camera and directing. It seemed impossible at first but i was determined to continue, I didn't want to pack up and dismiss cast which was suggested by my teacher. Miss Bundy came to help me and her and I took on the 4 roles between us and managed to get almost all of the shots done.

Today we managed to film all of scene 3 and all of scene 4.

We got around 30 shots from scene 1 done and the remaining shots will be completed tomorrow.

We didn't manage to get everything needed done so tomorrow will be another day of filming but we should cover all the necessary shots within 3 lessons.
The cast's teachers have been informed and so have mine so no one will recieve absent marks.

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