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Tuesday 13 October 2009

Health & Safety

We recieved a health and safety talk from Mr Edwards, one of the deputy heads of Barking Abbey, who spoke to us about what is expected of us when we're working around the school and safety hazards we should be aware of.

- He told us that last year, the filming caused a lot of grief around the school - we have to remember to be sympathetic to other teachers and students because the rest of the school is still in action

- We have to be aware of where we leave equipment - whether it's going to be an obstruction or if there's a risk of it getting stolen - last year there were cameras left laying around

- We also have to remember that equipment needs to be packed away 10 minutes before any bells go, making sure we don't get in other students way and prevent it from getting damaged

- We have to be concious of people if we are outside the school building - there are caretakers, drivers and other various people coming through the school and we need to make sure we aren't blocking any entrances or exits. This also being a safety hazard

- After school we need to make sure there isn't anyone outside of school on the premises because we don't need distractions, there are homework clubs in action so we have to take that into consideration aswell

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