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Saturday 3 October 2009

Cast! - Friday 2nd October 2009

"Casting is a vital area of film making" - quoted from BBC Film network
It's important to find cast who are reliable and dedicated as if these qualities are absent, it may prove to be extremely hard to shoot a successful film. Last minutes canellations, constantly missing rehearsals and having no passion for the film are a few difficulites that may be run in to. Therefore it is vital to find cast who you trust and know you can work well with.

We chose to use year 12's as this is a more realistic age to be in a situation like the one in our story. We couldn't have Luke as a young student because it's not likely that a little kid would 'fall in love'. However we didn't want him to look too old as this would make it unbelievable that he would believe in genies.

For our cast we asked a drama teacher if she would mention to her year 12's that there are year 13's in need of cast for their A2 production however she told us that there was high demand for him as other groups were also asking for boy's and there is unfortunately only one in her class.
So we resorted to asking people who we knew personally to see if anyone was interested.
We managed to get 3 boys and 3 girls for auditions which will be held sometime next week when we have had confirmation on our script.

Tuesday 6th October - We have had a change in cast as we recieved feedback explaining that our film doesn't suit an older age range and has a younger target audience than year 12's. Therefore we have decided to collect cast from year 9's or year 10's, and are currently in the process of doing this. We have spoke to Miss Entwistle - Drama department and have asked her to mention it to her classes.
Visiting her year 9's there were 2 girls interested in taking part but unfortunately no boys wanted to do it. So we are going to revisit her while she is teaching year 10's and hopefully obtain students from there.

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