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Saturday 10 October 2009


After our previous difficulties with finding cast we asked a year 10 drama class if anyone was interested in participating in our film. There was a more sufficient number of students willing to take part and we took down all their names for auditions.

The students that will be playing our main roles are:

Olivia - Zarah Mpopo
Genie - Dilpreet Taak
Luke - Liam Fitt

Since they are all in year 10 I contacted their head of year, Mr Moloney to make sure it was okay to use them for our production as they would be required to take 2 days off timetable, meaning they will miss work etc..

This is a screen shot of the email sent to Mr Moloney and his reply, basically informing me that it was fine to use the students as long as i emphasise to them that it is their responsibilty to catch up on the work they've missed and to ensure they do it. He also said that I must email the attendance teacher to make sure the students don't recieve any absent marks, although we will be going to reception on the days of filming to let them know that we have certain students, i sent the email anyway.

Screen shot of email sent to Miss Rayment [attendance]:

12th October 2009 - Today we spoke to 2 students to play our extras, as Olivia's friends and as extra people in the rehearsals.
These students are also year 10,

Extra 1 - Kiranjeet Kasbia
Extra 2 - Hakirat Batchu

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