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Saturday 3 October 2009

Script 2 - Feedback

After recieving feedback on our first script we were told there was too much dialogue to "tell the story" and we should resort to actions rather than words.

" here are my comments on your script i only really have one which i think you need to look at and then i will look at the script again.basically your script comtains too much dialogue to tell the story. go back to what we learnt last year about how to use dialogue. use actions and visuals to tell the story and show character.this is what cinematorgraphy is for. so look at this again. ask a few others in the class. watch a few more films to get ideas. have you seen an old american sitcom called bewitched? still shown on tv sometimes and probably also on yutube. do some research yourselves and find out. then re-script and we will go from there. good luck. "
Miss Nair

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