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Wednesday 16 December 2009

A2 Short Film January 2010 - Genie

This is our final product for our A2 coursework, a 5 minute film, of which we named "Genie." After all of the hard work and effort we put into producing this media text I'm happy with the way it looks. After projecting the final piece to an audience and watching it for the first time after post production, we received a lot of positive feedback and numerous people commented on how well our film turned out. With a huge comparison to Disney's "Aladdin" it appears that the tremendous efforts put into this has paid off and "Genie" seems to be a film that everyone has enjoyed. We managed to use and develop ideas from other films and were also able to challenge specific stereotypes and characters. It's a very touching, sweet and simple story that has been filmed in a way which arises emotions and feelings within the audience and I'm proud of the final product. If you would like to view a full evaluation of the film please direct yourself towards the labels and select any of the 'Evaluation' pages.

Please, enjoy the film!

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