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Friday 11 December 2009

Feedback from editing

After each scene had been edited we received feedback from the class on how it could be improved and anything that wasn't clear...

This meant that at each stage of editing we were aware of what needed to be changed so we were able to edit our film more efficiently

Feedback from Miss Nair - Scene 1

Feedback from students - Scene 1

Feedback - Scene 2

Feedback - Scene 3

Feedback of whole film

After the films had been edited we showcased all of them within the class and received feedback from our classmates.

Feedback on our final film:

- The titles are very good - the firework idea works well with the magical elements of our film

- The credits at the end of the film also look good

- It's a cute, young love story

- It's very touching

- It's not too soppy and it's still really funny

- The music in every scene worked well with the action taking place

- However there were some issues with sound levels - People said when the genie and Luke meet the music is very loud and over powers the dialogue slightly

- The friendship between Luke and Genie was really good and it helped to develop the story

- The 'Aladdin' theme was established well

- Everyone was very positive towards scene 3 (makeover scene) and the last scene

- The transitions in scene 3 work really well and help to show a change in time etc... and also add a fun, upbeat effect to the sequence

- The film's really cute

- The end shot is really, really good - created a good reaction - everything tied up nicely

- People liked the ending and the fact that Genie and Luke got together

- "Awww" was a common reaction

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