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Wednesday 18 November 2009

Developmental stages of poster - Poster 1 stage 1

This is the poster so far...

I've recieved feedback today from class on the poster at the moment;
- The writing coming out of the lamp looks good and works well but it needs glitter or smoke coming out to connect it and make it look better
- There were debates on whether the genie should be as big as she is but after discussing it I was told that she should be the size she is
- There were suggestions about changing the colour of her headband and eyes...
- I was also told that Olivia shouldn't be on this poster and use this poster for just Luke and Genie
- There needs to be more glitter and stars to reflect the magical element of the film
- Maybe Luke should be in his 'geek' state otherwise it 'gives away the film' - however this was debated and it didn't give away the film exactly but some people thought it might be better to use him with glasses etc...
- Put a filter on the genie to show she is the genie (use glitter perhaps etc). She needs to be 'sparkly'.
- The font is effective and it's the right font for the poster

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