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Friday 27 November 2009

Film poster - Version 2

Usually film's use more than one poster to advertise and promote their film. The different posters are meant to target various audiences to the film, for example from my Rush Hour 3 task you can see the film used more than one poster to attract different people.

So for my posters I did the same thing.

This is the second version of my poster..

In order for them to look as if they're from the same film, they have to adopt some kind of 'house style' so i kept the background colour and the fonts.


- The initial reaction from the audience was "That looks really good!"
- People said the polaroid pictures work really well and they suit the context of the film
- Keeping the pink and yellow background creates a housestyle
- The glitter works well to advertise the magical aspect of the film
- He looks like a "proper loser" - his character is defined well through the image
- You can clearly see it's a poster for the same film [as the first poster]

There were no suggestions for improvement - people immediately took a good reaction to this poster

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Friday 20 November 2009

Poster stage 3

we got feedback from our class and they suggested these following points:

· the YGZ Productions was in the wrong place (didn't suit where it was positioned). they sugesssted that we put it at the bottom. we came to a conclusion to take it out as it wasn't really needed and it looked much better.

· they liked the sparkles, glitter and the way the smoke comes out the lamp, on the poster and found it really went well with the genre of the film.

· they suggested that we look at other posters from our genre to see what other ideas we could get for our two other posters.

· We need to think about the layout of the "U" and the names at the bottom with the credit block - play around with the postioning or just take out the names of the characters as people felt it wasn't needed and too much was going on on the page.

· to make the dull hair band stand out, why not make it glitery.

· the tagline is a bit too big why not play around with the size.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Developmental stages of poster - Poster 1 stage 1

This is the poster so far...

I've recieved feedback today from class on the poster at the moment;
- The writing coming out of the lamp looks good and works well but it needs glitter or smoke coming out to connect it and make it look better
- There were debates on whether the genie should be as big as she is but after discussing it I was told that she should be the size she is
- There were suggestions about changing the colour of her headband and eyes...
- I was also told that Olivia shouldn't be on this poster and use this poster for just Luke and Genie
- There needs to be more glitter and stars to reflect the magical element of the film
- Maybe Luke should be in his 'geek' state otherwise it 'gives away the film' - however this was debated and it didn't give away the film exactly but some people thought it might be better to use him with glasses etc...
- Put a filter on the genie to show she is the genie (use glitter perhaps etc). She needs to be 'sparkly'.
- The font is effective and it's the right font for the poster

Monday 9 November 2009

Rough sketches - Film poster

I created some ideas for our film poster based on the discussion we had in class where other students gave us things to take into consideration.

In this poster I took the idea about having poloroids with Luke in the centre of the frame, looking clueless, with a purple background - which was one of the ideas put forward. I used the idea of having the title coming out of the lamp to reflect the magic element and to include the lamp in the poster which is quite important to our film

Thursday 5 November 2009

Film poster discussions...

Within our groups we were asked to discuss what we plan to do for our film poster...
However we weren't asked to think about who we wanted on the poster or what objects or colours we wanted to include, we were told to consider what themes our film had, feelings we wanted to express and the messages behind it all. So we brainstormed our ideas...

- love
- friendship
- magic
- fantasy

Feelings and emotions we wanted our poster express
- Uplifting
- Easy on the mind
- A young love story
- 'Brightens up the day'
- "Awww"
- Happy film
- Simplistic to an extent - target audience of youngsters

- You don't always get what you think you want
- Be careful what you wish for
- Make your choices wisely
- You can be whoever you want to be

Thursday 5th November - Class discussions

Today we presented our ideas to our class who then gave us feedback on how they pictured our poster and what we could include. Considering they are our audience it was essential that we got their opinions because we need to give them what THEY want. So as each group explained what they wanted their poster to show or express everyone else closed their eyes and imagined the poster in their own way, then afterwards they fed back to the group.
So for our poster we told them what we were trying to achieve and these are the ideas they imagined....

Monday 2 November 2009

More research of Film posters....

We were asked to chose a film that we liked and find 3 different posters for it...
Although all of these posters are advertising the same film they all have their own unique way of promoting it...


- This poster for Rush Hour 3 contains quite 'firey' colours such as red, yellow, black and they're quite bold colours which each have different connotations. Red can be a colour of violence and warefare which is relevant to the film which is action based and contains many violent scenes. The yellow/orange emphasises this idea with a blend that brings fire imagery. The colours suggest the film will contain action and anger which will help to promote the film to its target audience, people who enjoy action films will be attracted to the engaging colours of the poster.
- Within the background of the poster you can notice there is an image of the Eiffel Tower which will reveal the film is probably set in Paris/France and this will help to promote the film because fans of Rush Hour will have seen the previous films and to see the film in a new country will attract the audience as they'll be intrigued to watch the characters in new surroundings and what they will 'get up to' in an unfamiliar place. The poster also has quite a few images in the poster and the background and foreground appear quite busy which reflects the idea of rush hour and suggests to the audience that it will be 'packed' full of action, appealing to those who enjoy action movies etc...
- The two men on the poster are the main characters of the Rush Hour films, Chris Tucker and Jakie Chan who are also part of the promotion of the film. They are two very well known and admired actors, not only famous for Rush Hour but for other films, which makes the film appealing to various audiences. Fans of Jakie Chan, who is famous for his fighting within films, will be attracted by the poster to see he is starring in the film so they may want to see the movie. Chris Tucker is known for his comedy roles and the fact that he always has audiences laughing so he will also appeal to his own audience and both the actors will bring their own fanbase to the cinemas etc to watch Rush Hour 3. The fact that the film is a sequel to see the famous partners 'Lee & Carter' together again will attract the Rush Hour fans and they will be likely to watch the film because they have seen and enjoyed the previous ones.
- The body language of Jackie Chan, again suggests action as he is kicking the 'frame' and glass is shattering, but it also promises the audience action and fighting (gratifications). This also grabs the audience attention because it looks as if the glass is shattering off the page which brings attention to Jackie's foot and his stance and the fact that both men are in a fighting postition.
- The tagline : "PREPARE FOR THEIR FINEST HOUR" is clever because it refers to part of the film title within it and it creates anticipation for the audience because it is referred to as their 'finest' hour so suggests this film will top the other two which will make the audience want to see it if they've enjoyed the first two.
- The font of the poster 'RUSH HOUR 3' and the actors names reflect the title as it seems if they were moving images they would be rushing across the screen, mirroring the idea of 'rush hour'. It also complements the action genre as the font is also full of 'action'.
- I think the poster suggests the target audience would be ages 17+ because almost any age can enjoy action comedies and there isn't necessarily a specific gender for the film although the fighting would generally attract boys and men but i wouldn't restrict the audience to just males
- The message of the poster is visual as the image of the two detectives and the breaking glass is what gives the message

- The information on the poster is important because it's what the audience will see before the film is released so it has to grab their attention and intrigue them in order to promote the film, so the poster is a very important part of the marketing campaign. It's likely to be placed near cinemas, on bus stops, the side of buses etc... as these are places the target audience is likely to be. Teenagers and adults use public transport so the poster will be open to their attention and introduce them to the film.

- I think it is an effective poster because it delivers the message quite well, it tells the audience almost straight away that it is full of action and the breaking glass works well with the actors body language to create an adrenaline for the audience and an anticipation to watch the movie. The detectives are looking at the camera which helps the poster to communicate with the audience as it is like they're 'inviting' them to come along with them on another quest.

- This is the second poster i found for Rush Hour 3 and it is very different in comparison to the first one. This one still has the same colours, red and yellow, but the background is white which has a different effect compared to the first poster which was a lot more colourful and crowded. However the poster appears more spacious and this allowed them use a different approach with this poster. The colours give a less of a action packed effect and reflects the comedy side more which appeals to fans of comedies and also existing fans of Rush Hour.
- The poster only contains 3 images, each of the duo Jackie and Chris, which remind the audience of the two previous films before revealing it is advertising the third film. However as opposed to the action side of the film, portrayed in the first poster through the body language, glass etc, it suggests the comedy side as they're in more 'clownish' positions and it brings about laughter for the audience which will appeal to people who enjoy comedies aswell as exisiting fans of Rush Hour who are aware of the humour within the films. The fact that the poster includes the numbers 1 and 2 before 3 reminds the audience that these characters and the film have been seen before which appeals to people because they feel they've seen the first two so they should see the third and final one.
- Again the poster promises the audience comedy and humour as the characters reflect this part of the film (gratifications)
- I think it is an effective poster but in a different way to the first one. The first poster gave away the action side and fighting aspects of the film whereas this poster focuses more on the humour so they appeal in different ways. However i feel the first poster is MORE effective than this one because there is a lot of space which may appear 'boring' to certain people who aren't aware of the nature of Rush Hour films unlike the first poster that made use of all space and delivered the message well.

- This version of the Rush Hour 3 poster is very similar to the first one. It contains the same colours, fonts, background images but the breaking glass and foot are absent. This also creates a different effect but is still appealing to the audience. Even though the kicking foot isn't there you still notice their body language, they're fists clenched and defensive so the audience are aware that the film contains fighting/violence, attracting people who enjoy these movies.
- The same 2 characters are in the centre of the frame, again, attracting fans of the actors who are familiar with their work and the types of films they work in, and this particular duo act as a USP for the movie.